Dear Brother in Blue,
I want to remind you that one of the enemy’s goals is to try to lure you out from under the lordship of Jesus Christ. He knows that if he can get you out from under Christ’s covering, he has free rein to deceive, trick, and harm you however he chooses. It is under the covering of the lordship of Christ that you stand protected. You remain underneath this covering by abiding in Christ and the authority of His Word, as stated in Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Colossians 1:13 tells us that God has “rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” When you got saved, God rescued you from the authority of darkness and out of the wrong kingdom. By rescuing you, He transferred you so that you can live out your days under the rule of a new king, Christ.
Yet you can be saved but still be functioning out from underneath the covering of Jesus Christ. This is when you, like Adam and Eve in the garden, make your decisions based on your desires rather than based on the wisdom and direction of God’s Word. Therefore, it’s important to reflect on whether you are living in Christ’s kingdom or Satan’s. If you are living under Christ’s authority, do your choices reflect that? What does God’s Word say about making righteous decisions? As you make decisions, it is important to pray and search out what God’s Word says on the subject.
Remember to make knowing God’s Word a priority in your life and always pray for the passion and desire to study and learn it so much that it becomes real within your thoughts, guides your decisions and overcomes all sinful instincts. Remember 1 Corinthian 6:11.
With Brotherly Love and Encouragement,